A War Over Gift Wrap

The Christian Church today is in a war over gift wrap.  There’s a strong chance it’s going on in your church too.  Often called “traditional vs. contemporary,” it surfaces as debates over suits vs. jeans, 1800’s steepled building vs. vacant store front, Sunday evening services vs. home groups, hymns vs. praise songs, songbooks vs. Power Point displays.  Sound familiar?

What I used to think was one of my biggest heartaches is now remembered as a blessing in disguise… as I was growing up, I attended many different Christian churches, going all the way from traditional Southern Baptist to tongue-speaking charismatic.  My personal preference falls somewhere in the middle…. yet I have learned that church is not about me.   If it were about me, I would be sure to attend a church that sings the newest contemporary songs, in a dimly lighted nontraditional room, with drums, keyboard, and bass guitar, in an environment in which I could do sign language to every song because this is how I worship best – this is how I am most comfortable, how I can best focus on Jesus through every word of every song, and how I feel most ‘at home.’

But church is NOT about me.  And Jesus did not die for my comfort.  Like Paul, I am learning to be content whatever my circumstances.  God happens to have brought my family to a traditional church during this season, that stretches me out of my contemporary comfort zone.  Some around me are also being stretched, from their traditional comfort zone to what seems more contemporary in their experience.  It is tempting to complain, grumble – even outright protest.  Satan would have us divide over these petty issues – but they are merely the gift wrap:  Wrapping paper vs. gift bags.  The Gift is the same.  Jesus Christ.

Paul said to become like others in order to win them to Christ (1 Corinthians 9:19-23) – whatever your preferences, there are those who will be led to Christ through preferences other than your own.  For some, the style of a rock concert may be the best environment to show them the love of Christ.  Others prefer a more opera house style.  The point is not the presentation but the fact that God cares enough for us to provide a way to save us from this hopeless life, not through a life lived to perfection hoping to attain heaven on our own, but through accepting the free Gift of Jesus who made a way to forgive our purposeful wrongs and have an abundant life here, now – and in heaven in the future.

Don’t be afraid of different gift wraps.  Allow God to stretch you – knowing that He is using whatever environment He has placed you in to draw others to Himself.  Learn to worship even when it’s not exactly the ‘right’ environment for you.  Today, I was touched by several traditional hymns such as “I’ll Fly Away” – even though I prefer something by Casting Crowns, the hymn brought back sweet memories of my grandfather leading worship and my grandmother’s perfume as she sung meaningfully beside me in the pew.  And the audience responded well today, clapping along joyfully in worship.  I would have missed out on this chance to worship if I had decided I would only worship joyfully when all my preferences were perfectly met.  Do you have the courage to ask Jesus to help you be content no matter whether your church is traditional, contemporary, or somewhere in between?  No matter whether you like the gift wrap or not?

Jesus, forgive us where we have failed to worship You simply because we don’t get our own way.  Forgive us for thinking church is only about us, instead of being willing to recognize that a different gift wrap may be just what is needed to help a visitor come to know You at our church today.  Help us have unity in the church, and not be a complainer, grumbler, or divider over things as petty as gift wrap.  Thank You for the Gift of Your Son Jesus, who never changes but came to save us all.


The Orange Flannel Shirt

At times, I have dreams that are more vivid than real life.  Last night’s dream follows…

I was traveling on a long journey.  It began in a school.  A trusted teacher there filled my mind with wisdom and gave me a backpack.  It was not neatly packed like my Army ruck sacks used to be, but overflowing with various items so that I could not even see the color of the backpack itself.  Worn backwards (a “front” pack, if you will), it was as high as my nose and bigger around than my arms could reach.  And sticking out of the side, flapping in the breeze, was an orange flannel shirt.  And thus, I started my journey.

It would take a much longer blog to explain all the routes that my journey took me; however, there were times of learning, times of pain, times I was in the slums, times I was walking up mountains.

Once, on a particularly difficult stretch of the journey, I could see a clearing up ahead, such as an overgrown railroad track, circling the mountain.  This was the path well traveled, the obvious path for someone seeking relief from the difficulty of the journey.  However, I remembered my military training which taught me to never take the way that was easy, because this would be a prime target site for the enemy to ambush me.  So in the dream, I chose to walk down the side of a steep rock-covered ravine.  Shortly after making this decision, I saw a new path in the midst of the rocks, each blade new-green and standing upright.  A path made by the Creator of the grass, just for me.  In fact, surely He was just ahead, around the corner, beckoning me to follow Him – not on the path that seemed easy, not on the path that seemed smooth from many previous travelers, but a path that only God had been on before me.

None of the items in my pack were for me – these were “gifts.”  Through all the twists and turns of the trails I was on, I would come across people – perfect strangers – who would each need something from inside this sack.  It felt strange, hardly introducing myself to someone before giving them a gift – each time, something they truly needed.  And I wondered, why did it ever seem practical to wear this backpack on my back, neatly contained and zipped down?

We are all on a journey.  God has a specific route He plans for us to take; and specific people He wants us to encounter.  He has equipped His children with spiritual gifts, to meet the needs of the hurting people we come in contact with along our journey.  But often, we wear our spiritual gifts in a back-facing backpack.  Do you ever, like me, tend to hide these gifts from view, tucked down deep into a backpack and only shared with trusted friends who will not belittle or scorn your gifts, talents, and abilities?  Or have you left your backpack at home… even buried it like the parable of the wicked servant who buried his talents?  Or, are you carrying it around thinking your gift is not as valuable as others because it’s not this or that, it’s only an orange flannel shirt?  But the Bible says, “Do not neglect your gift…” (1 Timothy 4:14)

In my dream, I never did find who the orange flannel shirt was intended for – but when I woke, I felt encouraged to blog again.  I feel like this is one of God’s callings for me – a gift – though I sometimes feel discouraged because it’s not perfect – just an old orange flannel shirt.  Yet I don’t want to bury it anymore, or let busy-ness or fear of rejection keep me from sharing what is on my heart.  So tonight, I offer it to you.

Have you ever hesitated to serve because someone did not appreciate you?  Have you ever stopped telling others about Christ because someone rejected you?  Have you stopped leading because of all the criticism?  Have you stopped caring because it hurt too much?  Have you stopped sharing what God lays on your heart because sometimes it feels like an old flannel shirt, not useful to anyone?  Be encouraged.  The gifts God gives us are for His glory, not our own – intended to build up others and tell them about Jesus, not be reserved for only our best friends.

Jesus, help us to follow the path You want us to take each day.  Please forgive us for the times we have hidden the gifts You have given us or used them for our own edification.  Help us all to have the courage to share these spiritual gifts with all those we meet, to be used by You to help others along this journey that You lead us on each day.