Weekly Report

The day we picked up our foster children, I realized this was not at all like the training.  Sure, I’d finished the courses, gone through the inspections – but when those two living, breathing children came home with us, my heart was not fully equipped to handle it.  I texted and emailed my case worker every detail, wanting to make sure I was doing everything right.  I expressed concern that certain behaviors meant they had experienced certain negative things in the past, and I also shared positives, good things I saw in the children, promising behaviors and things that worked well.  Finally I decided I should type up a full weekly report.  It felt so strange to care for children when I’d never met their parents, didn’t have a checklist from parents that would let me know their bedtime routine, favorite stories, food allergies, likes and dislikes… I wanted the reassurance of knowing someone else shared responsibility over these children’s lives too, not just me and my husband.  But the case worker said no, don’t send her a weekly report.

Lately I’ve been thinking, what if I had to send God a weekly report of my interactions with my own children – how well I have served them, listened to them without distraction, put them before my work (while still getting work done), corrected them in love when necessary, encouraged them, shown them mercy, modeled a selfless life of giving, led by example.  Of course, God’s with us every moment so He already knows, but if I saw it in written form at the end of each week, in black and white, would I be pleased?  Would God?  Yet too often I forget that my children are ultimately His, as if they are on loan to me for a short while.  Lord, help me honor You in every little way I live in front of my children this week and each week… because I know they are watching, and I want to honor You.


It’s hard stepping out of my comfort zone. Especially to do something I know I’m not good at. It means facing possible correction, rejection, exhaustion, dissatisfaction… it means wanting to quit halfway through, saying it was a mistake, alternating between failure and success and more failure.

I’m at a halfway point now- halfway through extra ministries I started in response to our church’s series on discipleship, on reaching and raising the next generation to live out God’s truth.

And I’m tired. Sometimes I see only small successes- like getting my 5th grade girls to stay seated for our whole lesson (I confess, the only way I accomplish this is by bribing them with candy 😬). I see others who are much more gifted in these ministries than myself. And I confess, when combined with recent illness over Christmas break and a sudden increase in both hours and stress at work, I’ve found myself thinking that next year, I’m not going to do so many ministries- I’m just going to do my paid job and take care of my family, that’s it.

And yet, when I feel like giving up, I feel like God is saying this time it’s NOT like times in the past where I have overcommitted myself because I couldn’t say no, and so I SHOULD quit some things- this time I spent time in prayer before committing to each of these areas, and I feel like He’s saying to honor my commitments, press in and do my best, to keep running this race with endurance. “So take a new grip with your tired hands and strengthen your weak knees.” Hebrews 12:12

God reminds me of how He loves using us who are weak- like jars of clay holding precious treasure- so it will be obvious to others that it’s God (and not us) who gets the credit and glory for anything good in our lives.

Lord, please help us to keep pressing on to do the ministries we feel You want us to do. Let us find renewed strength as we wait on You. Work in us and through us to bless and encourage others in ways that it’s obvious You are the One who deserves all the glory. Thank You for my weaknesses because I know that You can use these to show Your great strength and power. Amen. < em>

I Forget

The pastor preaches from the Word

My heart finds joy instead of sorrow

I fervently take notes, and then

Forget them come tomorrow


I pray and ask God, please do this!

I need this, Lord, today!

When He answers, do I thank Him?

No, I forgot I ever prayed


Each day I start with time in His Word

God speaks with words so clear

He tells me what I need to do

To obey Him and draw near


But the Word only lasts an hour or two

‘Til the busy day crowds it out

What did God say last week to me?

I’ve quite forgotten what it was about


The pastor, he said “pick a word,

Your theme or goal this year”

Words were chosen – words like “joy”

“Hope,” “Love,” and “Persevere-“


My word is “write” – and so I have

15 minutes to start each (week)day

What do I write? A blog, a note

An email to one for whom I pray


I re-write the highlights of each sermon’s notes

The Bible studies from Sunday and Wednesday

I write down the things God says through His Word

In my time with Him each day


I write down some things I am asking God for

A reminder of my many requests

But I never could guess that the best part of this-

I am forgetting MUCH less


I highlight the things God has said I still need to do

Or the key points from each lesson I heard

And each day or two, I look back

To remember what God said from His Word


Today for example, off to a rough start

But God said: He has REAL LOVE for me (1 John 3:16)

And I happened to glance back, to a month ago’s notes

To be amazed by answered prayers- three!


I had forgotten I’d prayed them,

Yet God answered still

What a boost to my spirit!

What a joy! What a thrill!


My God remembers –

He’s not forgetful like me

Lord, help me to continue

To remember all You’ve done for me


“…I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands…” Isaiah 49:15-16