An Unexpected Path

What do an Army Officer living overseas and a homeschooling mom have in common?  I know it sounds like a joke… but it’s a serious question I’ve been asking myself.  You see, we know we are not supposed to stereotype others, but too often I realize that I try to put myself in a box.  When God calls me to do something that doesn’t fit into the “box” I think I belong in, my initial reaction is to argue with God that He must be wrong, that’s not really ‘me.’

When I was in high school, I had labeled myself as a shy nerd who was thrust into various club leadership roles but had no athletic ability.  I thought that if the government ever instituted the draft for women, I would resist as a pacifist.  Shortly afterwards, God called me to join the Army.  I was stunned, and it took a few miracles to truly convince me that this was indeed what God was calling me to do.  I did live overseas for 1 ½ years.  This experience taught me boldness, increased my leadership ability, and increased my dependence on God because I had to face many situations that literally were too difficult for me both physically and emotionally.

So, I have been out of the military for awhile now, and I had a new box for myself labeled “working mom.”  I had a career with numerous growth opportunities, I felt well-liked by my co-workers, I had a flexible schedule that let me be home in the afternoons with the boys without having to do after-school care.  Yet we received a curve ball when we realized that we would not be able to afford to return to the private school that my children attended.  We had already tried the local public school.  We tried to rent our house to move into a better school district, but with such short notice we could not find a tenant in time.  The only remaining option?  Homeschooling.  My husband and I spent a lot of time in prayer asking God for direction.  Of all the things we prayed about, homeschooling was the only thing about which we felt true peace.

But I had put myself in a box, thinking I would never home school.  After all, I am sorry to admit that I had a stereotype that homeschooled children were not well socialized, that home schooling was needlessly sheltering children from the realities of the world, and I had a feeling of inadequacy even though I have a Bachelor’s degree and my children are in elementary school.  Yet, God called me to do this.

So in August of this year, we began home schooling.  God provided the blessing of a free online public school ( with a certified teacher monitoring our progress and samples of my children’s work.  We have to log our attendance hours by midnight each night or risk an official absence; too many absences results in a truancy issue monitored by the state.  I love this accountability, and the 6 shipping boxes of lesson guides, workbooks, and science projects that were mailed to us for free have been wonderful to use.

However, home schooling came with great sacrifice.  I tried to continue to work my full time job while home schooling.  I appreciate my boss who allowed me to be so flexible.  And I appreciate my husband who helped to home school on his days off.  However, after trying it for one month, I realized I just could not keep up with both a full time job and home schooling.  I had to choose.  And I chose my kids.

The first week of home school, I just broke down and sobbed one day from being completely overwhelmed.  But God got us through it.  We are finally into a better routine and more familiar with the expectations.  And I am so amazed – my children are doing great.  It is a privilege to be able to spend so much time with them, to help to teach them, and see them grow.  There are many opportunities for social activities.  And I enjoy the public curriculum which does expose them to other cultures, religions, and thoughts while letting me also share how our own family beliefs compare.  God has provided another job for me that will help me still pay some of the bills while working less so I can focus more on home schooling.

Looking at previous times in my own life when God has called me to something unexpected, I am certain that God will grow me and my husband through homeschooling just as much as He grows our children.  And I am also certain that God will not abandon us through this.

There are two things I have primarily learned through this experience so far.  (1) It’s so important to recognize that others are “under construction” – no one is a “final product” yet.  Everyone that you run into today is being molded and shaped – so be merciful.  This applies to both children and adults alike.  They may be right in the midst of one of the biggest challenges of their lives.  (2) The power of a kind word cannot be underestimated.  Through this transition, there have been a few whom I expected to be supportive yet have discouraged instead.  And there have been many more whom I expected to disagree who have given several kind words which have bolstered my spirit so much in this time of great change and growth.  On some particularly hard days, it has been these kind words that God has used to give me enough strength to go on with what I feel God has called us to during this season.

Jesus, thank You that You don’t leave us in the box we have labeled for ourselves but that You continually call us to change, grow, and become more like You.  This often takes us through unexpected paths, and I thank You for these times that ‘force’ us to rely on You even more.  Thank You that You are worth relying on – that You never leave us or forsake us.  Help us to be merciful and kind to all others that we meet today since we have no idea what private struggles or changes they may be enduring.