
Years ago, I worked as a manager in charge of quality for a hospital. The job involved a lot of chart review and staff education about what we were documenting well and what needed improvement. Medication reconciliation proved to be a particularly difficult measure that did not really improve patient care but would financially hurt us due to Medicare reimbursement if we failed. With our electronic health record system at the time, it was nearly impossible to succeed on this particular task.

At one point, I decided to create a bulletin board of all the staff who were doing this task perfectly each quarter – and I put a very small certificate taped to their lockers to match the bulletin board, saying great job, you’ve done well.

I could not have been more surprised at the response of one particular nurse. She was a hard worker, always did well, documented accurately. But the day she received her certificate, she kept grinning from ear to ear. Her whole countenance lit up – and I learned that she thrived on that positive recognition. It surprised me because I assumed she already knew what a great job she was doing, but the small measure of recognition that day seemed to profoundly affect her.

I did not know her well, just that she was about my age, and worked two full-time jobs. I was both sad and shocked to hear recently (I no longer work at the same hospital) that she was killed by her husband.

You never know what someone is going through; their lives may look great from the outside, but their home lives are devastating, or they are going through a struggle that they don’t really talk about. I wish I’d done more to recognize her, more to lift her up, more to get to know her.

It makes me think of others in my life who are doing such a great job – my husband Daniel who is so kind and loves me so much, who is such a great provider and godly spiritual leader in our home, my children who are working hard at school and listening to the Bible lessons and reaching out to friends who need them, my parents who gave so much of themselves as they selflessly raised me in a Christian home, my brothers and sister and their families who are all such encouragers to me, my grandparents on both sides who have set the example of long lived faith and marriage, my extended family, my church family, my co-workers, friends I stay in touch with from several different places I have lived before, those who selflessly teach my children both at school and church – I am so thankful for each of these people, and I want them to know I don’t take them for granted.

Who in your life today may need encouragement or recognition?

“But encourage one another daily…” Hebrews 3:13

Slowing Down Time

Tonight time slowed down.  I volunteered with a group where patience reigned, interruptions were taken in stride- even welcomed, and I saw, in my mind’s eye, God delighting in the praises of His people. 

Where was I? Special needs respite. 

Now, before you dismiss this blog, and before you assume I will apply this message to all special needs experiences, wait. 


Let time stand still for you too. 

I entered perfectly at ease, I’ve worked with special needs children and adults often in the past, but it’s been awhile and I did not fully know what to expect. 

I was assigned to help in the snack room, making delicious but simple fruit pizza (sugar cookie, white icing, fruit topping). A few children with their buddies had come through (I couldn’t always tell who had special needs and who did not)… when suddenly I was boisterously hailed from across the room with “Karen? Karen!?! Karen! Look! Another Karen!” A teenage girl who was stunningly gorgeous had read my name tag. I introduced myself, and she promptly took out her Polaroid camera, and we had our picture taken together. She then pulled out a large handful of Polaroids searching until she found the other Karen so she could show me. She knew the first and last names of everyone she had her picture taken with. And all through the evening, every time she would see me in the hallway, her face would light up and she’d call out my name. 

A few years ago, I had the fleeting thought that I hated my name after a patient of mine in labor had a death grip on my arm for what seemed like hours saying my name over and over again through each painful and lengthy contraction… but tonight, i felt so happy to be a Karen. 😀

Next, I was assigned to a buddy, a boy about the age of my oldest son. He loved to run, and go up and down stairs. He ran so much he had two buddies so we could keep up with him. He said nothing with his mouth, but his beautiful blue eyes spoke volumes. They conveyed curiosity, joy, boredom, stubbornness, and fascination at varying times. My watch shows 32 floors climbed today and over 8400 steps, the majority of which involved walking with my new buddy tonight. 

My favorite part was at the end.  We all came back together for singing. Any special needs children who wanted to sing or dance on stage were free to do so, several with microphones. Those children knew every word- songs like, “I’m counting on God,” and “I get down, He lifts me up!”  I was trying to hold back tears as I worshipped with these children. I thought, these children have harder difficulties in life than I do- so many people take one look at them and are already prejudiced against them, have already written them off or decided what they can and can’t do- some are in wheelchairs, some cannot speak. But the sheer joy with which they sang and danced for God- I literally felt like heaven was opening and God was smiling- in no rush, no hurry, just enjoying the worship from His children. 

Time stood still. 

Good morning, Busy Day


Good morning to you – so much planned for today

I wonder if I’ll get it done – for I say,

Work’s piling up – not going as planned

Chores, church, and errands – meetings to attend


But still it’s important to start this day right

With time in His Word, to pause, and set sights

On what really matters, and heaven above

Dwell not just on tasks, but God’s unfailing love


For at the end of today, there’ll still be work left to do

Unwashed dishes and clothes, more tasks that aren’t through

But even if true, today can be a success

If I have done the first three items on my checklist:


Number 1 – did I love God, and serve Him through it all?

Number 2 – did I thank Him for things big and small?

Number 3 – did I let Him love others through me,

A kind word, quick hug, or listening patiently?


If I only do tasks – dishes, laundry, and more

Without love, I’ll miss all that God has in store

He wants my thoughts not just down here on earth

But focused on Him, the source of true peace and worth.