To Bless Your Heart

At church this morning, Daniel led us in “Heart of Worship” by Matt Redman.  It began, “When the music fades and all is stripped away, and I simply come…Longing just to bring something that’s of worth that will bless Your heart.”  It struck me that I had gotten so caught up in thinking of worship as a job, an income, and even a source of contention in my church right now that I had forgotten the whole point.

Worship is more than a job, an income, or a hobby,  It’s more than the song, the instruments, or the players.  It’s more than the people, their preferences, and even prejudices.  At times worship becomes more only in the presence of less.  Less distraction, less ritual, less control, less sameness.

In the midst of my shaky church upbringing, I found myself in a strong youth group whose sole focus was knowing Christ better.  Unlike our peers who sought youth retreats filled with entertainment, this group sought Christ through in-depth Bible study, prayer, and worship.

At the end of an especially intimate week-long retreat, we gathered in a meeting place designed with the same specifications as the Upper Room in the days of the early church.  One parent asked me to stand up in front of the group and sing “I Love You Lord” – with no music or even words, just sign language.  As I used only my hands to tell Jesus that I loved Him, I felt His presence in that Upper Room.  Though there was no special lighting, no Power Point, no band, no choir – no sound – I felt as if I was face to face with God, simply telling Him, “I love You.”

How fitting that God would lay the same song on Daniel’s heart today, 17 years later, as a certain season of our life draws to a close.  The praise team stepped down, leaving Daniel and Rick to worship God with only their instruments.  They sang no words, yet I found myself again face to face with my Savior saying, “I Love You Lord.”  Despite the struggles surrounding “worship” lately, the song led me back to the simple intimacy of loving Jesus and knowing He loves me.  This is truly the Heart of Worship.

Jesus, may we use whatever we have – words or silence, joy or pain – to “bless Your heart” today.  

4 thoughts on “To Bless Your Heart

  1. Karen,

    Just read this post aloud to Mr. Dewberry. We both remember the “Upper Room” and cherish the intimate times we shared there with each other and with our Saviour. Those long-ago experiences with the Holy Spirit empowered you and many of your old friends to endure babies with cancer, babies with autism, and babies with physical needs requiring multiple surgeries. Those long-ago face-to-face encounters with the Holy Spirit enable a couple of your old friends to endure mental and emotional disorders and still come out on the other side praising God. Those long-ago experiences will enable you and Daniel to walk through this current difficult season with grace and confidence in who you are and Who is ordering the steps of your life. Praying for you and your precious family as you navigate the next few weeks.

    BTW, Mr. Dewberry is still involved in student ministries at our church. He recently shared Christ with two obnoxious middle school boys–you know the type. But somehow the timeless gospel still tears at the hardest of hearts and brings the brokeness, and a “tough” boy can still accept a Saviour into his heart.

    As for me, I am semi-retired from student ministries due to still working a full-time job and the demands of being Nana to eight grandkids. We were recently asked to host a home group for the youth workers in our church. They stated that we would probably have wisdom to impart. When did we get old????

    We still remember dancing before the Lord for hours on end and celebrating that season of our lives. Remember seasons are just that–they come and go–the tide ebbs and flows. This season in your life will soon turn, and you will be in awe of God and His amazing ability to bring beauty from ashes and joy in the place of mourning.

    Love you,
    The Dewberry’s


    1. It’s so great to hear from you Mrs. Dewberry! And thank you for your long response – and for giving so much of yourselves to our youth group to help us have a great foundation – it definitely made for a difference! I’m so glad you are both still involved in ministry. God has always had His hand on you both. Thank you so much for the encouragement! -Karen


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