Purpose in the Mundane

A purpose in the mundane. That’s what I saw this morning in my Bible study time, reading Priscilla Shirer’s “Gideon:  Your weakness, God’s Strength.” Before the lesson, Priscilla Shirer asked us to write down 5 ordinary tasks that we do each day. One of mine is work – my job is to sort through a lot of information to find answers to crucial questions to identify areas for improvement. Another daily task of mine is knowing the status of my household – what groceries are needed, who needs laundry washed, what bills/expenses are due soon, what is scheduled next on the calendar for all four of us. Yet another daily task is meal planning and preparation – this one involves time, budget considerations, grocery shopping, actual food preparation, and unfortunately some feedback which has been a lesson in humility for me of late.

Turning to Gideon’s story, he had probably threshed wheat his whole life, and maybe did not realize that it was preparing him for what God was calling him to do. The fundamental task of threshing wheat is all about separation – separating the good edible part of the grain from the chaff. And when God called Gideon as the one who would lead the Israelites against their oppressors the Midianites, the first task involved separation. Separation of their worship – no longer serving both God and Baal but tearing down Baal’s altar and building one for God alone.

I’m only on Week 2 of this Bible study, but the theme has been God calling and equipping me, with emphasis that the time is now. Two things that God is calling me to do include mentoring women and writing a book (this one scares me! Pray for me!). Opportunities have opened up lately for me to co-teach a single mom’s group, and also to expand a current mentoring relationship to include possibly one or two other newlywed wives in a marriage Bible study. I am both humbled and thankful for these opportunities.

At the end of today’s lesson, Priscilla Shirer asked us to look back at our list of daily ordinary tasks to see how God might be using that daily practice to prepare us for whatever He is calling us to do. I had been feeling like my job, though important for providing income for my family, was somewhat of a waste of family time, especially in the summer as my children are wanting to spend more time with me. But I can see how my daily work tasks and knowing the state of my household could be preparing me for mentoring women… to spiritually and prayerfully listen to them to discern crucial areas needed for spiritual growth and help them move towards a closer relationship with the Lord. And even in my lesson of meal planning and preparation – learning humility and accepting constructive criticism – I know I will need to humbly face whatever feedback and criticism I receive in the book-writing process in order to grow and improve.  So I thank God for these ordinary tasks, trusting He is using them to prepare me for His purpose.

Which ordinary daily tasks might God be using to prepare you for the specific calling He’s placed on your own life?

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